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Wednesday 9 May 2012

Crushing My Hopes and Dreams

The two movies I’ve been looking forward too this year, the most, were/are “The Avengers” and “The Amazing Spiderman”. And I can tell you now The Dark Knight Rises doesn’t even enter in to this.

Along with 90% of the comic book geek population I’ve seen the Avengers already. I saw it the day after it came out in my country, and the reason I didn’t see it sooner was because university got in the way. And I’ve seen it again since then, and would happily go a third time, in fact I may still do that. I’ll be buying it as soon as it’s available in the shops, and currently I’m trying to complete my marvel collection by hunting down Iron Man 2, which I’ll probably end up getting off Amazon real soon.

The Amazing Spiderman is due out in June, and once again, this topped my list of ‘awesome’, as I’m a HUGE spider man fangirl. The Lizard is the bad guy, and I had an entire theory about how the lizard was going to tie in to the whole super soldier serum that was the basis of plot for The Incredible Hulk and Captain America. And then I had my hopes and dreams crushed by Copyright law.

And it’s really simple. To summarise:

Marvel is owned by Disney. Disney are there for owns all the Marvel characters, and any films that were made by Marvel Studios. They are responsible for Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, and The Avengers.

However this is relatively new. Before then, Marvel had dealing’s with lots of companies to make the movies. X-Men/Mutants, The Fantastic Four, Daredevil, and Elektra are owned by 20th Centaury Fox. (I tell you I am a brown coat, and if you know what that is, you’ll know how I feel about Fox)

Spiderman is owned by Sony Pictures.

Blade is owned by New Line Cinema (which means he’s now owned by Warner Brothers)

Ghost Rider is at Columbia.

Punisher with Lionsgate.

The Hulk was with Universal but when The Hulk film FAILED they sold it back to Marvel. Thank God for small miracles.

When these companies got the rights to those characters, they entered in to a contract saying they were the only people that were aloud to make movies about those characters. If they don’t use those characters for a set amount of time the characters return to Marvel. This means if Fox don’t keep making movies about the X-men, or The Fantastic Four, Marvel gets them back. If Sony Pictures don’t keep making Spiderman films Marvel gets them back. Same for all of them.

And seriously: when the Avengers exploded all over cinema’s everywhere, why would ANYONE want to stop making films that people, myself included, will continue to pay to see? Which means Wolverine, and Spiderman will not be making an appearance in The Avengers universe. Sadness.

Explained better here: The Big Picture : Wrongs & Rights
I can only assume that the movie rights do not extend over television rights.

~Captain Dibbzy