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Monday 12 December 2011

£200 for a keyboard

I wish I was a famous writer. So I could sell my crap and people would pay stupidly large quantities of money for it.

Exhibit A.

Alan Moore’s keyboard.

Which probably doesn’t work, is full of the kind of crap that falls between the keys, and is worn out.

Yet people are willing to pay over £200 for it.


Now it’s no secret that Alan Moore is not my favourite writer in the world. I will admit he can string words together wonderfully, and portray a plot with great timing, and density. He’s done a lot for the comic medium.

But his stories are shit. Watchmen was a waste of my holiday reading time. V for Vendetta is about preaching the glory of anarchy. The league of extraordinary gentlemen I read the plot of, and I don’t even want to touch it. But yes. The guy can write.

But seriously? £200 for his old keyboard, which may not actually even be genuine?

If people have that kind of cash to spare they should be giving it to me.