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Tuesday 27 December 2011

The use of Capes

Reading my way through the Marvel archives, one spiderman comic at a time, and I came across this.

From Marvel Knights Spider-Man, "Wild Blue Yonder" ark.

Monday 19 December 2011

Christmas Parody

For my team of geeks I'm setting a challenge to find the best Christmas parodies.

This can be, film, music, animation etc.

I'm starting this off with a "LMFAO - Sexy and I know it" parody: "I'm Santa & I know it" by "The Key of Awesome"

Monday 12 December 2011

£200 for a keyboard

I wish I was a famous writer. So I could sell my crap and people would pay stupidly large quantities of money for it.

Exhibit A.

Alan Moore’s keyboard.

Which probably doesn’t work, is full of the kind of crap that falls between the keys, and is worn out.

Yet people are willing to pay over £200 for it.


Now it’s no secret that Alan Moore is not my favourite writer in the world. I will admit he can string words together wonderfully, and portray a plot with great timing, and density. He’s done a lot for the comic medium.

But his stories are shit. Watchmen was a waste of my holiday reading time. V for Vendetta is about preaching the glory of anarchy. The league of extraordinary gentlemen I read the plot of, and I don’t even want to touch it. But yes. The guy can write.

But seriously? £200 for his old keyboard, which may not actually even be genuine?

If people have that kind of cash to spare they should be giving it to me.

Saturday 19 November 2011


My term has been hectic. Between the mould devil moving in to my house, deadlines, and domestic disputes about the proper decorum of give and take, my geeky nature has had to take a back seat in my existence.

I'd say it picked up again on the 13th of this month. I was in Asda with two of my friends, at 11 o'clock having a loud conversation about Spiderman, when the bells went and we were asked to give a minutes silence for Remembrance Day (This was the Sunday after the 11th).

After the strangest experience of "OMG someone froze time!" I got the magazine in question (A Spiderman edition of Comic Heroes), and the conversation continued on our way to Waterstones, where we had more geekness, getting very odd looks, as we occupied the graphic novel shelf, from people crowding between Crime and Dark Fantasy.

My friend mentioned how he'd spent his summer reading comics online. I almost scolded him, as I hold specific thoughts on the issue of copy right, when he said he'd been doing it legally. He'd paid a subscription to a couple of websites, where he'd been able to read.

The first was the Marvel website. It's about £7 a month, for unlimited access to the archives. If you go for the year subscription, it's about £4 a month (that's about £50 a year, probably less).

The second is comiXology. Which I haven't got around to yet, but you can buy DC comics off them.

By Tuesday night I had signed up to Marvel. I think I'm possibly addicted to Spiderman right now. I'm slowly reading my way through his archives. I love his whit.

But a couple of recommendations for you.

The Ultimate Spiderman series is absolutely brilliant. (2000-2009). The dry whit and humour of Spiderman, and the artwork is lovely.

Secondly, the Fairy Tales series. I've read the 4 based on Spiderman, and working my way towards the Avengers, and the X-men. It's retelling of various fairy tales, but based around the Marvel characters. The art work is wonderful, and the stories are pretty damn good too.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go research Web Cultures.

Or maybe I'll get distracted by the prospect of reading Spider-girl. Hard to say.

Friday 30 September 2011


Well, as me being an AMV maker and all, I decided that I'll post my videos here too, just to make this blog even geeky'ier.
Anyway, this was my submission for the nowJapan'11 Cosplay AMV Con, where it won the first place.
The concept of the video is spiritism, hallucinations and dreams. I tried to mix up the footage effectively, so that it would look like one, whole music video, despite the fact that there are 2 different anime series and the original video involved. I hope you like it.
P.S. watch on full screen please.

Anime: Bakemonogatari, Kara no Kyokai -Garden of Sinners-
Music: Pendulum - Witchcraft


What kind of geek are you?

I had an idea which involved googling geek. The plan was to put the first thing I find under images as a new blog entry. Instead I found this big list of geek types.

What kind of geek are you??


Thursday 22 September 2011

Batman Begins (Blog: 2)

Batman Begins

I'm starting the Batman blog reviews with the Christopher Nolan series.
Batman Begins - 2005
Year: 2005
Director: Christopher Nolan
IMDb Ratings: 8.3/10
Rotten Tomatoes Ratings: 85/100

Batman Begins is a film inspired by the Batman comics which explores the origins of the “caped crusader”.
Christopher Nolan adapted the comic book hero to be more realistic to the world we live in; as opposed to the fantasy fiction world of comics.

The film is cleverly written based around the comics of “The Dark Knight’s” origins. Some people complained that it took too long before we saw a glimpse of Batman. If Nolan used the comics as a storyboard instead of a guideline the fans would be disappointed. 

The origins of Batman started when he was a very young teenager after his parents were murdered. He grew up travelling the world to get taught by the masters in escape, mixed fighting arts, criminology and so on. He trained to peak perfection: both physically & mentally. If Nolan had of added all that content in to the film there wouldn't be a Batman until the very end. Or until the next film: which would’ve made the film unexciting. 

The film has adapted well with the comic book antagonists making them very realistic to present settings. The villain adaptions were Ra’s Al Ghul (& The League of Shadows) Carmine Falcone & Jonathan Crane (The Scarecrow); there were also a few small cameo appearances of Victor Zsasz (Mr. Zsasz). The antagonists are portrayed well in the film, especially by Liam Neeson, who in my opinion you couldn’t find a better actor to play such a mysterious counterpart to Batman: Ra’s Al Ghul. 

The ending of the film is a great tie-in to the next film (The Dark Knight) by Sergeant Gordon (Commissioner by this point in the film) handing Batman a joker playing card. This is a great way to end the first film by using a cliff hanger for the second with Batman’s biggest enemy hinted at the end.

Batman Begins is a great film & Christopher Nolan has arguably in my opinion made the best Batman film series to date. My only negative view on the film series is on Batman’s accent. Unlike other Batman media like the animations where Bruce Wayne puts on a different voice: Christian Bale’s attempt at a Batman voice could’ve had more work put in. It is even a pop-culture joke on YouTube for being hard to understand (videos below: both reference this).

Title: The Dark Knight- Joker Interrogation Scene Spoof
Uploader: MonkeyandApple

Quoted in this youtube short: “are you like gargling marbles or something? I can barely understand you”
Title: How It Should Have Ended: How The Dark Knight Should Have Ended
Uploader: HISHEdotcom

Batman: Gotham Knight

There is an animated film adaption of Batman Begins: “Batman: Gotham Knight”. This adaption explores the origins and mythology of The Batman. The animation will also be the next film I review.


Tuesday 20 September 2011

For your Entertainment

Originally my first post was going to be a review of Turf, a comic I’m reading, but I haven’t finished it yet. Then I found this, and I though I could share some awesome things with you all.

Minecraft meets Halflife. Surprisingly good graphics for what they’re recreating.

Internet Receptionist. Because you know it happens.

And how Mario should have ended.

I’ll be back with a review of Turf later this week.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Grave Encounters (2011)

I dont think many of you have heard about this film, as i could only find out on the internet that it was screened in the US.
The film is basically a film like Paranormal Activity. Lots of suspense and scenes that can make you jump. It involves lots of camera shake because they try to make it like a real life documentary.
It's about this group of ghost hunters that are about to film their sixth episode of Grave Encounters, in a building which was a hospital for the mentally insane and is supposedly very haunted.
The team get set up in the building with their cameras and bits, then get the housekeeper to lock them inside for about 8 hours. This 8 hours turns into days and they can't remember which day they are on. It's pretty dead for about 50 mins of the hour and a half film, but in that 50 minutes you check every corner of the camera lense just to see if you can see anything.
Im a big fan of Paranormal Activity films and this film felt alot like another one. You know when something in Paranormal Activity is about to happen because you normally hear like a faint bassy roar and then you see something ghostly happen. well this film has those moments too, but the sound is a little bit different.

I would personally give the film a 3.5/5.0 because i dont know what actually happens at the end, theres not alot happening until the last 30 minutes and lastly, what happened in the hospital pretty much defied the laws of life haha. At least in Paranormal Activity they made it look real and based the things in the film that actually get documented in real life. But if your into scary suspense films like that then i would definately recommend this a watch. Also as its like difficult to get hold of finding it, ill leave you a decent link (virus free) of the film. :D

Introduction post~

Hello guys.
This is a test/introduction post, made just to make sure that everything works fine (:

Anyway, I'll specialise on jRPG's and anime section. Hopefully I won't bore you to death with my reviews and opinions~

In any case, nice to be on board!

Thursday 15 September 2011

Batman Live-action & Animation (Blog: 1)

Batman: The Dark Knight (2008)

In the next couple months in my spare time I'll write about all the different Batman's in the media, with my childhood favorite 90's Batman: The Animated series, even dating back to the 1966 Adam West television series.

I have watched most of what is available already, but there are still a lot on the list below I need to catch up on, so the blogs won't all be written for a while.

Once I have wrote my reviews on Batman in television media, I might write about the games, but now I'm getting ahead of myself.

This is the list I have made of the Batman in film and animation which I will gradually write about. (I'm leaving out anything where he only has a small role or cameo appearances, so things like: "The new adventures of Superman", "Static Shock", "The Zeta Project", "Birds of Prey", "1966: Batgirl[Unaired Pilot]", "Krypto the Super dog" & "Teen Titans" won't be wrote about; however as he plays a significant role and is in quite a few episodes of the new series "Young Justice" that will be included in this Batman blog series. There are also two Scooby Doo film's where Batman & Robin play a role so those will be included):

  • 1943: Batman
  • 1949: Batman and Robin
  • 1966-1968: Batman
  • 1966: Batman film
  • The New Adventures of Batman
  • Legends of the Superheroes
  • 1968 - 1969: The Batman/Superman Hour
  • Super Friends
  • 1972: The New Scooby-Doo Movies:
    • "The Dynamic Scooby-Doo Affair" (9/16/72)
    • "The Caped Crusader Caper" (12/16/72)
  • Batman
  • Batman Returns
  • Batman Forever
  • Batman & Robin
  • Batman Begins
  • The Dark Knight
  • The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
  • Batman: Gotham Knight (Animated adaption to the Christopher Nolan films)
  • Batman: Under the Red Hood
  • Justice League: The New Frontier
  • Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
  • The Batman 2004-2008
  • The Batman vs. Dracula
  • Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
  • Superman/Batman: Apocalypse
  • Batman: The Animated Series
  • Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
  • Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero
  • The New Batman Adventures
  • Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman
  • Justice League
  • Justice League Unlimited
  • Batman Beyond
  • Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker
  • Batman: The Brave and the Bold
  • Young Justice
  • 2011: Batman: Year One (October)


Wednesday 14 September 2011

Pokémon theme tune

For people aged 18-25 the original Pokémon theme tune could be the most iconic tune of our childhood.

In my first year of University living in halls with people from all walks of life, none of which necessarily geeks. However being that Pokémon would most likely of been a fashionable franchise in their childhood, all they would have to hear is the first few lyrics and be able to sing most of the rest.

In the freshers week of my first year me and all my friends from halls were pre-drinking before going to the night club (student's way to save a bit of money) well I personally got a little tipsy and merry before leaving and without hesitation, almost like instinct started to sing "I wanna be the very best..." then everyone more or less turned round with a grin on their faces and joined in, and we ended up singing the entire song on the way to this nightclub with even more joining in on the way.

If you're aged between 18-25 try it yourself with your friends or people your age, most likely you'll get the same result!


My First Post!

hey ho! my first post. :)
ive got another 3 films from LoveFilm coming my way soon so i will have some of my own reviews to write about them woo!

The wall of Geek!

The graffiti wall - Created by Toby Cooper
The wall without the authors hiding the graffiti, which references comics, anime, games, films, TV shows & pop culture.

The References:

Film: Super, Kickass, Batman: Dark Knight, Robocop, Ghostbusters, Star Wars & Back to the Future

Game: Assassin's Creed, Minecraft, Portal & Legend of Zelda

TV: 1966 Batman & Firefly

Pop Culture: Charlie Sheen

Anime: Pokemon

-DC: Superman & Batman
-Marvel: Spiderman & Iron man
-Dandy: Banana man


Introduction to the authors

Welcome to Geekipedia the place to go to learn random and fun trivia on all things geek, as well as voice your opinion on author written reviews & debates.

The authors:

Toby Cooper (Admin)

Michael Bates

Elizabeth Dickinson

Vlad Olenik

Luke Moxham

Lee Markwick

Liam Pennington